In our previous discussion, we peeled back the layers on the upheavals the healthcare industry faces, guided by insights from the August 2023 MGMA Data Report. From rapid operational shifts due to pandemics to the great staffing crisis, the challenges were numerous. However, the industry’s resilience shone through with innovations aimed at improving patient access. Today, we’ll traverse the financial landscape, delve into the adoption of value-based care, and look through the patient’s lens at healthcare access. 

Financial Strains and the Slow Adoption of Value-Based Care


Dynamics of Incentive-Based Revenue 

In the evolving healthcare landscape, how revenue streams are perceived and tapped has changed considerably. The trends in incentive-based revenue across specialties are particularly intriguing. For instance, while some specialties experienced a surge in incentive-based revenue due to performance or meeting certain benchmarks, others found it challenging to integrate these incentives effectively. This dynamic underscores the need for a nuanced approach, recognizing that one size doesn’t fit all. 

Quality Performance Metrics 

A key point of contention has been the slow integration of quality performance metrics into physician compensation plans. Traditionally, many compensation models focused on the volume of care. However, the winds of change demand a shift towards quality. But what’s holding back its widespread adoption? Several factors come into play, including the intricacies involved in measuring quality, the potential for these metrics to influence clinical decisions, and resistance from some practitioners wary of the changes. 

The Road Ahead 

Peering into the future, value-based care seems poised for more significant prominence. The focus will likely shift even more from quantity to quality. We could envisage a healthcare system where facilities and practitioners are rewarded not just for the number of patients they see, but for how effectively they treat them. An outcome-focused approach could lead to better patient care and more sustainable healthcare models. 

Patient Perspectives and Future Considerations 


Appointment Accessibility 

Switching gears to the patients, their chief concern remains appointment accessibility. The MGMA Data Report shed light on a palpable difference in appointment availability for new vs. established patients. New patients often faced longer wait times. With the ongoing operational challenges, this gap might widen unless addressed. For established patients, the familiarity with the system and possibly prioritization by healthcare facilities made access somewhat smoother. 

Patient Self-Service Tools 

In the digital age, autonomy is king. Reflecting this trend, the rise of patient self-service tools in healthcare is noteworthy. From booking appointments online, accessing medical records, to even virtual consultations, these tools empower patients. Their potential benefits are manifold. For healthcare providers, it can mean streamlined operations and reduced administrative overheads. For patients, it equates to convenience and a sense of control over their healthcare journey. 

Striking a Balance 

The crucial task for healthcare facilities is striking a balance. How can they ensure optimal patient access without overburdening their operational capacities? Recommendations include adopting flexible staffing models, leveraging technology for appointment scheduling and reminders, and actively seeking patient feedback to make iterative improvements. 


The journey through the ‘new normal’ in healthcare is akin to navigating a ship through stormy seas. The challenges, as we’ve discussed over these two articles, are multifaceted. Yet, the core remains the same: ensuring quality patient care.  

To sail through, healthcare facilities must remain adaptable, innovative, and patient-centric. The emphasis on value over volume, the empowerment of patients through digital tools, and the unwavering commitment to quality care will shape the future of healthcare. The road might be rocky, but with continued innovation and flexibility, the healthcare industry is poised for long-term success. Here’s to a future where patient care and operational efficiency walk hand in hand! 

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