This year has been an especially difficult one for school districts as they have had to restructure many of their normal procedures, which includes IEP and Medicaid billing. Since the majority of schools went virtual towards the end of the school year, the district might be more equipped for the fall opening, or they might still be struggling to find a streamlined billing cycle. Either way, in this time of rapid healthcare changes, many of those issues begin with incorrect reporting and gaps in school software.

Whether or not your school has decided to go completely remote, choose a middle option, or go back to in-person, it will require providers to know any changes to medical codes when offering in-person or telehealth services. As the industry changes due to COVID-19, some temporary codes have been implemented for IEP services to make it easier for schools, but it’s important to know when they expire and when they are applicable. Keeping informed will help the school get reimbursed on time and for the proper amount.

Providers should also keep in mind the guidelines of Medicaid or other federal/state cost programs when submitting claims. Even during the COVID-19 shutdowns, they have maintained their submission schedules. Delaying submission of claims or not keeping documentation updated when busy will only hurt the school in the long run. Additionally, incorrect or late claims will only lessen the district’s potential for a full reimbursement and overall revenue.

Another important part of billing to keep in mind: efficient software. School service providers should have a proprietary software that is HIPAA and FERPA compliant and meets all state and federal guidelines. This will streamline documentation as your staff can easily document and submit their records from anywhere. If the school does need to go from in-person learning to remote at a moment’s notice, then they will be prepared either way. Your provider software will need to allow student scheduling for specialists. This is especially important during this time of continuous change as many counselors have seen an increase in mental health needs.

As schools prepare or begin their 2020-2021 school year, they should ensure they have the resources to keep their IEP and Medicaid billing on track. COVID-19 has caused many budget cuts across the board, so it’s important to keep your Medicaid billing revenue cycle moving. If your school has been struggling with their billing, it may be time to outsource. Contact the billing experts at Outsource Receivables Inc. to inquire all the ways we can benefit your school-based medical billing.



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