When it comes to receiving payments, it’s essential for clinics to offer different payment options to ensure you get reimbursed for your services. There are many factors that go into how patients pay. For example, younger patients are much more likely to pay online, while older patients may prefer paying by phone or check. Being flexible helps your clinic avoid unpaid or late claims.

Pay by Phone

This option typically offers a 24/7 line through an automated system. The program will gather information from the patient like the bill they’re paying off and their credit card number. The program can even call patients with a bill reminder to help avoid unpaid claims. Additionally, if a patient does not feel comfortable using the automated system, they can press a key to be brought to a staff member who will be able to take their payment information during business hours.

patient looking at an online medical billing statementStatement Bill Pay

If sending paper statements is what the patient prefers, then there should be an effective and clear process in place. The bill should be sent out in a timely manner since “snail mail” takes longer to receive than an email. The format of the statement should be easy to read, and the amount due and due date should be called out in a visible color like red. Include an envelope if they prefer sending in a check. The statement should also list the other ways to pay, which could be through phone or going to your website to pay the bill there.

Website Bill Pay

Whether a patient receives a statement through physical mail or e-mail, paying online eliminates a lot of the hassle for both the office and patient. Clearly state what website link the patient can visit to pay their bill. It’s essential to find a secure, trusted payment option to use on your website. Patients want to know their information will be protected.

Patient Portal

Emerging as a popular option for medical clinics, a patient portal allows them to pay their bills, communicate with your staff, schedule appointments, and do so much more if your software allows it. An online payment option helps them feel protected through their specific account, and then they can securely log in and pay their bill. Notifications will be sent to their email for easy reminders.

Payment Plans

Offering a payment plan helps patients feel better about seeking medical care in an industry they are already prone to distrust. For those who need some financial assistance, spreading out the payments is essential. Find a plan that allows automation for ease of service. Patients will receive email notifications of the upcoming payment and an invoice if they’re enrolled in automatic payments.

Finding and implementing these options can be difficult if you’re already busy troubleshooting your billing process. If you need help improving your revenue cycle, contact the billing experts at Outsource Receivables Inc.

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