As we enter another year dealing with the complications and strains of COVID-19 on the healthcare system, it’s more important than ever for medical clinics to know their goals for 2022. There was most likely an overall end-of-year evaluation done to know the yearly budget, and hopefully that included a list of aspirations to help guide your clinic’s growth. Overall, you should ask yourself these two essential questions to help look towards a bright future:

How are you marketing to patients?

Clinics can’t rely on insurance networks to bring in new patients. Now more than ever, people are doing their own research before they choose to schedule an appointment. They look up your social media to see if you are active and will start to formulate a personality for your clinic based on those posts. You want to have pictures of your staff, some fun things that might have happened in the office, and also educational stuff to show that you’re a trusted source. happy medical office staff looking forward to new year Additionally, potential patients will look up reviews on sites such as Facebook and Google My Business to get a second opinion. Try to maintain a positive rating on them or maybe make it a goal to improve the rating.

Does the budget include investments in training, certification, or equipment?

To maintain your clientele, it’s essential to invest in your staff and the equipment that they use. Healthcare is an ever-evolving sphere, so keeping up to date helps maintain your credibility and trust in the community. Make sure that all relevant staff are current on their certifications or ask if any of them would be interested in gaining a new certification that benefits the clinic. In general, time should be set aside for training days where all the staff can go over the processes and systems. As they do that, ask for feedback on what they might suggest to streamline their jobs. Is it time for a new software that can handle more data? Has some of the equipment started to fail? Does the waiting room still look welcoming or outdated?

Striving for improvement takes more than simply the senior staff evaluating the practice—make sure you ask for valuable feedback from all staff. They will often see sides of the business, such as customer service when setting up appointments, that doctors will not. Every level of the clinic should be included in the 2022 goals, so you can continue to grow from the ground up.

If improving your systems, such as billing, seems a daunting task, then it’s time to ask for help. When clinics partner with the experts at Outsource Receivables Inc., they are making a solid investment that focuses on improving revenue and processes. Give us a call, today.

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