In the famous words of Forrest Gump, some things just go together like peas and carrots. Cash flow and a solid medical billing infrastructure are two of those well matched things.
In our 15 years in the professional medical billing business across the Midwest in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and other states, we’ve found in order to keep the process moving along smoothly you need a team approach. The team needs to encompass medical billing experts, excellent technology, a strategy and a process in order to stay on top of all the little things that can trip up an insurance submission for payment. What are some areas that make the most difference for keeping your cash flowing?
- Accurate initial data entry
- Timely submission of claims
- Quick follow up on rejections and denials
- Reporting and analysis to find areas where your clinic can improve
- Insurance analysts who understand the rules of all the insurance payors
- Consistent follow up on non-paid patient pays portions of a bill
- Technology to keep it all organized and moving
Learn more about how the ORI team of medical billing experts can improve your practice’s cash flow. ORI provides revenue cycle management expertise to surgical, family practice, specialty clinics, therapy offices, and mental health clinics. The process starts with a simple and free assessment that uncovers the possibilities. We would love to hear from you!